how to get found online| Facebook||

how to get found online|

Hey Everyone,

I just started a new service and facebook page| how to get found online|

Isn’t that what we all want.  Not to get lost in a sea of competitors. I will teach you the secrets of how to get found in internet searches| what others call Search Engine Optimization| or SEO| inbound marketing| how to get found online|

How?  by using keywords| tags| and hashmarks| or what I like to call tag magic|

Ranking is really important.  On my computer I have an alexa tool bar| and a google tool bar| and I can see what your rank| is.   What’s worse than an Alexa rank| of 26 million? No rank.  Many of you are in the no rank category.   That’s why you aren’t coming up in the first page of google searches| one of the secrets of| how to get found online| is having a good alexa rank| and google rank| once you are being crawled by alexa, the more they click, the more the rank.  Rank is really important in being found on the internet.

In real estate it’s location, location, location. In internet marketing| it’s ranking, ranking, ranking|  First thing you should do is install the free alexa tool bar| and google tool bar| that I offer you in my “What is Alexa Rank| article on my facebook page.   So you can see how much traffic you and your competitors are getting.   And read the article to see why Alexa rank| is really important in| how to get found online|.

If you want to find out how to show up in twitter searches| and how to use hash tags on twitter| I posted articles on that on my facebook page too.

So stop by my page now| how to get found online|

If you have any questions, call me (510) 712-7911.


how to get found online| how to get found in internet searches| SEO| Search Engine Optimization| inbound marketing| keywords| tags| how to get found on twitter| how to use hash tags on twitter| how to use hashmarks| tag magic| Youtube| videos| best internet marketing| expert| Cindi Silva| Cindy Silva| google| alexa| what is alexa rank| how to dominate the internet| how to register with google| what is crawling with alexa| free| download alexa tool bar| download google tool bar| Communication Coach| San Francisco bay area|

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